Around the Office
Building a Stronger Company:
I am wired to like people, which can sometimes make me a poor judge of character. In the past, if you wanted to work for SCOTTEVEST from TEC and could talk in complete sentences, I used to simply hire you. I am learning that there is a huge difference between talkers and doers, although it is hard to tell the difference until they start working with you.
It is for this reason that I invited Sylva Leduc to join us at SCOTTeVEST headquarters this week. Sylva is a leadership strategist at Sage Leaders who incorporates a unique blend of Consultative Coaching in her work with clients and organizations. With 15 years of consultative experience, I am confident that Sylva will be able to take our already excellent team and fine tune our leadership skills.
Keeping Our Employees Happy:
In addition to building a team of leaders, making sure our employees are proud to work at SCOTTeVEST is a major goal of mine. I am always looking for new perks and opportunities to incorporate into the SCOTTeVEST corporate culture. The latest perk we are working on is adding a rock climbing wall in one of the stairwells of our building. It is a work in progress, but when it is complete, it will reach all the way to the top of the building and will be an excellent way for employees to take a break and relieve some stress during a crazy work day.

On the Web
A Personal Victory:
Waking up to find that the Inc.com article discussing my experience with Shark Tank had made its way to the front page of Yahoo! was an incredible feeling. I have to admit that one of my favorite parts about the article was the title: The Most Combative Contestant on ‘Shark Tank’ Is Making Millions Without Them. Not only does this wording send a slight jab to the Sharks, but it also shows other entrepreneurs that leaving the Tank empty handed does not mean you will not be successful.
To hear more about how my company is doing post Shark Tank you can read the article here.
Social Media Post of the Week:
As someone who is extremely passionate about social media, I am constantly looking for new ways to engage customers and receive valuable feedback. This week, I asked my friends on Facebook to recaption an image of a Kangaroo wearing a SCOTTeVEST- the responses did not disappoint.
Based on the incredible amount of engagement I received on this post, I am considering incorporating this into the SCOTTeVEST brand.
Check out my post to see some of the best responses here.

Beyond the Office
As a company based out of beautiful Sun Valley, ID, it is extremely important to me that I stay involved and support the community. I love where I live and I want to give back to the community as much as possible.
This weekend was the annual Dog Days of Summer benefit. I was a Top Dog sponsor of the event, which meant I had a reserved dinner table at the event. I invited several employees from our SCOTTeVEST team to sit at the table and we had an incredibly fun time while raising a ton of money for the shelter.
This benefit is something I look forward to every year as all the money raised goes to support the Wood River Animal Shelter. For those of you who don’t know, I am extremely passionate about animals- more specifically I am obsessed with my poodles: Chloe, Margaux and Susie. Any benefit that is as passionate about animals as I am is an event I will stand behind.

Customer Service
Customer of the Week:
Seen here is our friend Scott Akin with his son Austin during a cross-country venture that took the pair all the way down under to Australia. Austin was personally invited to this event for his outstanding promise and notable talent as a cross-country runner; Scott says he is incredible proud of Austin and his accomplishments. Scott is sporting a cement Tropiformer sans sleeves and Austin is rocking the awesome Knowmatic Hoodie.

Check Out Our Personal Shopper Program:
Having trouble deciding what SCOTTeVEST products you want? Talk to one of our excellent personal shoppers!
They will help you find the SCOTTeVEST product that is right for you. The best part is that you’ll receive an automatic 20% off and free returns on domestic orders that are placed through our personal shopper program.
Set up a consultation with a personal shopper here.
Photo credit: Thomas Hawk
For more thoughts about entrepreneurship, business and life, follow me on Facebook. Be sure to follow me at the top of this page for future LinkedIn articles and updates from Tech on Deck.
Scott Jordan is the CEO and Founder of SCOTTeVEST, which creates multi-pocket clothing designed to carry electronics. He is the author of Pocket Man: The Unauthorized Autobiography of a Passionate, Personal Promoter.

Read a sample of Scott’s book for more about his experience on Shark Tank and the pocket empire he has built.
Interested in working at SCOTTeVEST? The team is growing and there are several openings available for motivated candidates. Be sure to send a thank you note!